Week 1: My DevOps Journey – Virtual Machines, AWS CLI & Automation πŸš€


2 min read

Key Takeaways from Week 1

πŸ–₯️ Virtual Machine Fundamentals & Practical Setup

βœ… Explored the evolution of VMs and their importance in modern cloud infrastructure.
βœ… Hands-on practice: Created VMs on AWS (EC2) & Azure, configuring instances, networking, and storage.
βœ… Understood hypervisors (VMware, Xen) and how cloud providers manage virtual environments.

πŸ” Secure VM Access via CLI: Efficiency & Security

βœ… Learned to connect to EC2 instances securely via SSH, avoiding AWS console dependency.
βœ… Example: Connecting to an EC2 instance using SSH:

shCopyEditssh -i "path/to/my/keypair.pem" ubuntu@<public-ip-address>

βœ… Security best practice: Setting the correct permissions for key pairs:

shCopyEditchmod 600 "path/to/my/keypair.pem"

βœ… Used iTerm (Mac) πŸ–₯️, PuTTY (Windows) 🏒, and Mobile Xterm πŸ“± for remote access.

πŸš€ AWS CLI: A Deep Dive into Automation

The AWS CLI was the star of the week, enabling faster and more efficient cloud management.

βœ… Configured AWS CLI:

shCopyEditaws configure

βœ… List existing S3 buckets:

shCopyEditaws s3 ls

βœ… Create a new S3 bucket:

shCopyEditaws s3 mb s3://my-unique-bucket-name

βœ… Automate EC2 instance creation:

shCopyEditaws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-12345678 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro

✨ This eliminated manual effort, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

πŸ“œ Beyond CLI: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

βœ… Explored AWS CloudFormation Templates for Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
βœ… Learned Terraform πŸ†š AWS CDK, comparing cloud-specific vs. multi-cloud automation.
βœ… Understood IaC benefits: repeatability, consistency, and scalability in cloud deployments.

⏭️ What’s Next?

πŸš€ This week was a major step forward in my DevOps journey. Next, I’ll focus on Linux 🐧.

πŸ“Œ Follow my journey on:
πŸ”Ή LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/princemalikk
πŸ”Ή Dev.to: https://dev.to/princemalikk
πŸ”Ή GitHub: https://github.com/Princemalikk

πŸ’‘ If you’re also learning DevOps, let’s connect, share insights, and grow together!

#DevOps #CloudComputing #AWS #Automation #InfrastructureAsCode #AWSCLI #ScalingWithCloud πŸš€